Here's the funny thing: the documentation was signed by my case manager. This is a case manager that because of the overload that each case manager is handling, I hear from maybe once every six months. Previous case managers broke the rules by actually providing me with their phone numbers or their email to make it easier for me to contact them when something was happening.
The rules within Veterans Affairs require me to call a 1-800 number that is only operating from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. eastern standard time. Even if the people on the other end of the phone are in B.C., if the call is from Toronto, they cut it off.
I have to leave a voicemail message because she's so busy that she's never available to take a call, and then I have to wait for her to call back, which of course uses up the minutes on my phone. I'm not exactly wealthy enough to have a high-end plan, so I ration out the 200 minutes a month that I have.
The My VAC thing that's being set up is so problematic that I've never actually managed to sign in through it. I have a case manager. She could have been able to put this through one on one with me. It was when I freaked out and went through the entire system and managed to get a hold of her—thanks also to the ombudsman's office who helped intervene—that I found out I was not actually being cut off of benefits; I was being shifted. This was a form letter that was sent out.