There wasn't really a switch overnight across the board.
The motivations and personal drive of each caseworker seem to very much tailor how they respond. Some are more than willing to go beyond or more than willing to take on the heavier caseload and still find a way. Others weren't ready or able to do it. The level of training may differ among them. Even the reasons they're doing that work may be different.
That being said, there did seem to be a moment when a sudden cutback in staff at VAC occurred, when a whole bunch of front-line workers were canned, and that may have actually affected the number of case managers who were there. That may have also caused them a bit of anxiety about whether or not their jobs were secure. I'm doing a lot of speculating, but there did seem to be a moment when, with the mass layoffs that occurred under the previous government, there did seem to be a shift. There were still good caseworkers who were going out of their way despite everything and even with the increased load.