One of the things that crossed my mind is the nature of the injury and the age of the individual who has been injured. If you're looking at a head injury or you're dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, there can be some impaired judgment involved. One of the things that concerned us was handing a 30-year-old or a 28-year-old $250,000, with somewhat impaired judgment. The fear was, of course, that they would go through that money quickly and end up with virtually nothing. I think that has happened in some cases I'm aware of.
How you control that or deal with that may be in the holy mysteries. It's very difficult. You're going to give a free-will choice and then not have free-will choice. It's sort of a categorical position, I agree. But that kind of situation needs some kind of addressing. Providing reasonable and reasoned counselling, at the level the individual can hear that counselling, I think would be necessary in order to create a viable option.