Yes. We have the participants fill out two surveys before they take the program. We have them also fill out a survey immediately after. Then we do follow-up surveys at one month, two months, three months, six months, and a year. They are also offered follow-up consultations as they go along, so they can discuss their life plan and how things are moving along.
If you are a DND case manager or if you are a VAC case manager, or if you're going from DND to VAC, then all of those people would have a good idea of where you are at in your life plan. They could see if you're falling off the rails or if you're going along. If you're falling off the rails, they could also tell where are you falling off and possibly help you along. Instead of rehashing the same thing when you have your 15-minute conversation every month or two, you'd actually be getting some meaning out of it.