Hello. Thank you for hearing me today. My name is Claude Lalancette. I am a veteran paratrooper suffering from mental issues. I have taken drastic measures to come before the committee today, and to bring something that has been ignored and overlooked.
Since I found out about mefloquine five months ago, I have been taking in information. I am overwhelmed by how the government is blinded by this matter. I have fought tooth and nail to educate my government today on the anti-malarial drug mefloquine. I am guaranteeing that after this meeting you will be looking at mental health differently. You must share the information that these professionals will be presenting to you today. It is your duty.
I will be testifying with three other brothers on this anti-malarial pill on Thursday. Please hear these professionals. They have been trying to say something for a while. In my eyes, lives depend on it. We must start the healing process, and you must seriously look at this matter with urgency and attention. This is a national health issue.
Thank you.