That particular study is part of a funding relationship we have here, at the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research, where the government can actually internally define; so the research directorate within Veterans Affairs Canada looks at its strategic priorities and its needs for research, and it looks at what it can manage internally and what it can't. Those things can get outsourced through a contract that we provide, and those go out to tender, essentially.
What happens is that instead of it just being a tender process it's actually a peer review process. Research teams will apply for a given contract, and then our college of peer reviewers here at the institute will review them. Then the best study proposed, with the most rigorous design and the best mix of expertise, will end up doing a particular task contract. There's already a fair bit of definition around what the study needs to look like to meet some of the policy needs within the scientific directorate at Veterans Affairs in that case.