The primary reason behind that is that Homewood is an addictions facility. In the hierarchy of things that deal with PTSD, substance abuse is the primary masking go-to methodology. It can be drinking, it can be porn, it can be marijuana, it can be all kinds of stuff—drug abuse. Homewood has a primary mandate to get you off that before it will touch anything else.
It's fine if you come in on an SSRI and you're using prescription drugs. That's fine. They'll deal with your mental issues on that level, but the real issue here is that we have not, as a society, reached the point where we accept that medical marijuana is a viable and usable alternative to pain management. This is the root cause. As soon as we get to that point, then we can move forward.
The other thing, too, is that there is misperception. Marijuana is broken into two components. There are the TCBs and the CBDs.