We're finalizing one that we're going to start implementing probably in January or February. It's the service delivery review, which is looking at the journey of a veteran in our process. We've done journey mapping, and some of that stuff, to see.... They've looked at 400 veterans, actual cases, and mapped what happened.
It's not always nice in the sense that the service was done, but there are a lot of touchpoints, a lot of letters sent, and a lot of medical exams needed. We're going to be looking to eliminate some of this, to make it simpler. That's the service delivery review. We're also looking at stuff to make our forms easier. It's very practical stuff.
The other review that the associate deputy minister is going to embark on in the very near future is what we're calling a functional review. I think the meeting was called for tomorrow but it may be next week now. As I mentioned earlier, we're noticing the policies. Often there are departmental policies that are not law or regulations, so it's about how we can remove these layers of policies that have morphed.
Veterans Affairs is a very old department. The deputy minister likes to call our legislation and our policies a quilt. I think that's a very good picture of our stuff. Governments add programs or change things, but there are all these rules and regulations that we have to follow. How can we remove the internal policies that have been put in place over time that are not in law and are not in regulations and simplify that?
There are 741 internal regulations and policies, and I stand to be corrected on the exact number. They're not legal. We're going to be embarking on figuring out which ones don't make sense and eliminating them to try to save time, process, and documentation, and advance this. This is ongoing.
We are serious about trying to simplify this. In my mind, I keep thinking about TurboTax, and it may be a plug for a company here. I use TurboTax to do my income tax. I would love to have TurboVAC. I'm very serious about it, because you can go on the web, assuming you're web literate, and if you're not, we'll take care of you, but it won't ask you to fill out 25 forms. It'll ask if you served, yes or no, and you can put out some stuff and our system would populate it.
We are not there, but I had a veteran talk to me the other day who said it was the first time he had a VAC form sent to him that was completed. We put all the information on the form, and he just had to confirm and send it back to us. We're going down that road.