Veterans Affairs contracted the Mental Health Commission of Canada to adapt their mental health first aid program for the veterans community. It's geared toward people like our volunteers, who deal with veterans who may be struggling with mental health issues. A group of about 10 of us met a couple of times to go through the basic mental health first aid handbook and make recommendations on how to adapt certain aspects of that program as they pertained to veterans.
The most specific piece, obviously, was the section regarding PTSD. We did a lot of elaboration on that. We also talked about the instructors for that course. We basically decided that instructors for that course preferably should be veterans themselves. It all comes back to the peer support, to the social support thing. We felt that because the military was such a unique culture, the instructors needed to have that background.
I know that the program is up and running now. It's been offered in a couple of cities across the country, and so far we're hearing good things about it.