You're hitting on one of the most difficult issues, historically, I think, because from speaking to many people who have developed PTSD, it's often your worst nightmare, and you don't know it's your worst nightmare necessarily.
So, clearly, let's work on sleep deprivation, let's work on getting shot at, let's work on crawling under barbed wire, let's work on people who speak a different tongue...the IED kind of scenario. But it's often something else. There's desensitization. There's training. There's stress inoculation. These have been used for many years, and the problem is PTSD has always been around. So back in the day, it was, let's go and watch animals being slaughtered, and let's do this. Around the Vietnam area that was popular. There was still an incredible amount of PTSD, and in fact, in 1980, the term PTSD was first coined to explain the phenomenon experienced by the Vietnam soldiers from the U.S. and Australia.
So, absolutely, let's stress inoculating people. Let's get them as desensitized as possible. But I still don't think that objectively exposing them to what you think is going to be stressful will help with what happens to the soul, the person with the moral injury, and the meaning of the actual trauma. We can set up all kinds of scenarios, and we should. We should exhaust people. We should wake them up in the middle of the night with flares. We should do all those kinds of things. I remember when General Leslie first brought the tanks to training, because he didn't want them to hear tanks firing for the first time once they were in Afghanistan, because we hadn't used them.
So, absolutely, I thought about what it would be like to have my best friend die, or to kill a child.