It is, and all nations are facing it. You want your military to be representative of your population. If we say that 50% of our forces have adverse childhood events, and 30% of society has, you're not going to kick out 50% of people because some bad things happened in life. We've actually found that joining the CAF helps those people, because the link between suicidality and adverse childhood events is lower in the military than it is in civilian life. So there may be something good about the military taking in people.
For some of us as psychiatrists, who are sitting there doing psychiatry stuff, some elements that put people at risk for illness and self-harm may also make them good soldiers. Throughout history, many people who have been heroes, with medals of honour and all of these things, have also had PTSD and difficulties. There's risk-taking, running across the battlefield during enemy fire, and that type of thing. We have to balance that.
Right now in declared mental illness—you're actually ill at the time, excluding, of course, serious schizophrenia and those kinds of things—when you start to look at risk factors of taking an illness, which can happen in a 3% risk or up to a 5% risk, people can easily argue, “I think I'm part of that 95%”. That's why the population-based approach of screening, education, and encouraging people to come forward is probably the logical way to go in a large organization.