Those are challenging, and it's case by case. There are several groups. Ideally, somebody is already on the books of Veterans Affairs long before they release, so the determination of eligibility and things have occurred. In that case, it's simply a matter of ensuring there's care available where they're going. That can start once the person decides their intended place of release. It's easy if they're releasing in a place where there's a Veterans Affairs OSI clinic. It's much more challenging if somebody goes to a more isolated location. That's the one group.
The second group are the people who are in the process of applying at release time. There is more and more being done to expedite the records and those kinds of things.
The third group, of course, are the people who leave and six years after leaving feel they're unwell and need to go in. You need to have solutions for all of them.
From a health services perspective, there are Veterans Affairs people who are working. It has become much easier with electronic health records and not paper records. There still needs to be some severing for privacy reasons and things. It's being worked on.