In our report, when we do the comparative analysis with WSIB boards from different provinces, we do touch on what some provinces.... In fact, there's a list there of all the provinces and what they provide. In terms of economic replacement, income replacement, and pain and suffering, I think the important thing here is that, in dealing with veterans and their families and ensuring their wellness, there are three things that are important: pain and suffering, income replacement, and then health care and related expenses. I think that once those three are addressed, you're pretty well there.
In the case of the earnings lost, I think it goes back to a question that was asked previously. Unless there is an outcome that is defined, we'll never know when we get there, because 90% of earnings lost is quite different for somebody who was a corporal in the forces or somebody who was a colonel. Obviously there is a difference there as it's based on salary. The old pension act was not. The old pension act was a disability benefit payment, and it didn't matter what rank you were for that.