There was new provincial legislation in 2016 that accepted post-traumatic stress for first responders. Within that bill they gave a list, and there are about 25 of them. I don't have them here today, but you're looking at ambulance drivers, police, emergency personnel, firefighters, so the people who respond to the worst parts of the human condition. Instead of their having to plead their case about their work environment, what we typically look for is that be diagnosed before they gain entrance to that presumption, and that that diagnosis is a DSM-IV diagnosis.
As I said earlier, a good point for you to pay attention to is that if they don't have a diagnosis, because they're just being treated by their family physician, that shouldn't bar them from gaining entrance to us. They're trying to navigate through the system and they're having issues. Life is difficult enough as it is, let alone when you're struggling with what you have, so we will pay for that assessment even though we haven't accepted the claim. We will allow them to get that diagnosis or lack thereof, in order for them to gain entrance to our suite of benefits.