Under our Occupational Health and Safety Act, which is not under the guides of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board but the Ministry of Labour, if there's an incident at work, it must be recorded. In terms of retention of that incident, I'm not familiar with that exactly, but I'm suggesting it's five years, five to seven years, in terms of record-keeping.
That's not really where we get most of our claims in terms of that type of claim. We require an employer to report to us within three days of learning of lost time or of health care. There's an obligation on the employer. If the employer doesn't do that, we look at what the medical treatment was. In terms of medical records and the requirement for a physician in Ontario to keep medical records, I believe it's 10 years. I'm sure I can be corrected on that. The community at large retains much of this information, which suggests that if it's not with us, it will be out there for us by the time someone claims for it.