It's nothing coordinated.
It happens by word of mouth and by experience. I'll give you a good example of the sequence, for instance.
Vets Canada is an association that is contracted with Veterans Affairs and is actually responsible for homelessness for veterans. They are contacted when a homeless veteran is found. They are only looking at getting him off the street and into housing. The housing is the responsibility of the municipality, normally. Once the veteran is housed, medical care becomes the next step. The province looks after that. When people are receiving provincial health care, the federal programs for veterans should fall into place after that. There's never been any linking of all these levels of responsibility, and that's what's needed.
My hope is to talk to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities at their next meeting, to talk about what I've heard from mayors around Canada, what they do for veterans, and how they deal with homelessness. We need to try to get that link in there. Right now, the only place where there might be that connection is in Nova Scotia, because they have a provincial parliamentary committee for veterans. When you have Halifax and the province involved with veterans, then we can make the link, and that's my point. Some services are provided, probably now, by some of the levels that are available in some other jurisdictions.