It is improving, because of the digitized system. Where we face difficulty is with the tracking down when somebody has been out of the forces for a few years. Some are paper records. Others are microfiche. Some are digitized. This is one of the issues we are faced with on the medical side.
One of the things that have improved is that.... At one point in time, the interpretation of an injury or illness was different on the DND side and on the VAC side. They used different language. Now, at least, they have harmonized that and they use the same language, which makes it helpful for application and that sort of thing.
The other challenge on the medical side was with medication. For instance, the compendium of drugs for DND was different from that of Veterans Affairs Canada, so in the transition there was always a problem for the individual switching to a medication available on the Veterans Affairs Canada side.
Moving forward, these things are improving.