I would think, first of all, that the transition is the most important element, because people serve willingly. They have unlimited liability, but the transition from one culture to another is quite important. I think the start would be to look at a transition that is positive for the member, so that there's hope in going forward to another life.
One thing that has always struck me as strange is the fact that the Canadian Forces, and VAC, in fact, have never designed a transition process for the healthy veteran. The process that exists right now has been designed for injured veterans, and that's why I really welcome the opportunity coming forward from the chief of defence staff's announcement of a transition centre that will look after all veterans. Then if we have a healthy veteran who can transition well, we can actually look after the injured one when there are difficulties and barriers and those sorts of things that need to be eliminated.
That would be the starting point.
Second—I go back to my speaking notes—you have to have an outcome. What is it that you want our veterans to accomplish? Do we want them financially to reach the poverty line, to have the median income level, to have the same kind of revenue that they would have had, had they stayed in the forces uninjured? I think these are the things that should be considered in looking for the best system. I think it's important.