I believe that's happening right now. The departments are working together, even with the central agencies, to try to make it simpler and reduce complexity in the access to programs, for instance by consolidating benefits. As I said before, if a person is able to generate a certain percentage of the revenue that they could generate while they were serving, then the payment financially is the difference between that and what they can generate themselves.
However, I think we have to be careful that we don't concentrate just on the financial aspects. That's one of the complications. We always say that financial well-being is important because it will allow you to transition successfully to the vocational rehabilitation and the psychosocial rehabilitation. Unless you have a decent income while you are doing that, you are facing some risks. I think that's important. It will never be simple, but there are instances right now, as you've seen in our reports, where people are actually compensated more. They are actually earning more than they would have earned if they had stayed in the forces uninjured. Sometimes they are getting less...but never at the right time in their transition. I think that's important.
The one hope now is that, with the veterans affairs minister having the responsibility of an associate defence minister, there would be more reach inside and more possibility of harmonizing the programs that were in existence before.