That's exactly right. The new education benefit runs side by side with the educational provisions contained in our vocational rehab side of the house, but the criteria are very simple. If you have six years of military service, you will be eligible for up to $40,000 as an educational benefit, just for having worn the uniform. If you complete 12 years of service, that grows to $80,000. Those are all the criteria required.
That represents a significant departure from what I spoke to earlier, veterans programming that was historically always based largely on service attribution or, in some cases, economic-related issues. For this particular program, though, it's just on years of service.
I would also point out that this program was designed with the assistance of our colleagues on the Canadian Armed Forces side of the house. It was very much a joint effort so that it complements their programming and also meets their concern about retention. It represents a fairly good balance in the mix.