In 2017, we went out and surveyed just over 1,500 veterans. I say “we”, but we hired a firm to do it. It wasn't Veterans Affairs. It was the first survey since 2010. We had not done any survey of our clients.
The top five results were that 95% agreed that VAC's staff were respectful, and respecting our clients is important to us, so we thought that was good; 93% agreed that they were able to find people to help with the veterans independence program; and 91% were satisfied with the number of service providers and pharmacies where they can use their card. This was all on the service side.
As well, 88% agreed that the letters they received in the previous 12 months were clear. I will admit that we were a little bit surprised by that finding, but we're very pleased with it. We have been working on trying to streamline and clarify our letters a lot more. As well, 88% who had contacted us in the last 12 months were pleased.
On our rehab side, we have areas for improvement. We have to work on rehab, as just 53% felt that families could come to case management appointments. This disappointed us, because we always encourage family members to come to the appointments in case management, but only 53% thought they could, so there are areas to work on.
We work very strongly on the well-being of our veterans, and 61% reported that their health was good. As well, 85% were satisfied with their life in general, 80% were satisfied with their overall well-being, 82% were satisfied with their main job activities, and 78% were satisfied with their financial situation.
The reason I raise those specifically is that we talk often about the seven determinants of health and we know that being financially stable is an important point in being healthy. Then you get into the family. There are seven of them, but among three of the main ones is having a sense of purpose.
That told us that we still have work to do, because 72% is not 100%. We're not going out there yelling, “Eureka, we've succeeded.” However, it's telling us that some of the stuff we're putting into place and some of the work we're doing is in the right direction, and 82% were generally satisfied with the services from VAC at a general level. Those are all good points, but it also indicates that we have work to do. I don't want this to sound like I'm just... There's work to do.