The report was from 2017. We just did it.
Additionally, 81% responded that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the support they were receiving from Veterans Affairs.
Nearly 75% responded that our services exceeded their expectations. This is why we're working closely with the Department of National Defence to make sure the transition process runs smoothly and as harmoniously as possible. We know that transition is the first step in an efficient well-being model.
Together with CF, we're working on implementing a new employment strategy, aligning DND, CAF, and VAC transition programs and services and implementing a new veterans ID card for releasing members and veterans as a formal and meaningful way of providing them with a tangible symbol of valued membership and recognition as veterans.
We're also working at enhancing transition services and supports and implementing an education and awareness campaign that is targeted at CAF members, veterans, families, and key stakeholders.
One of our biggest endeavours so far has been the guided support pilot project. Launched in a few cities across the country, a group of veterans were identified to receive one-on-one assistance when applying for benefits and services, to ensure they're getting the most out of what the department has to offer.
The pilot project has been receiving tremendous feedback so far. It addresses the largest issue of veterans not always knowing the right questions to ask to receive the appropriate services. Our department does the hard work of navigating the systems and providing veterans with the specific information and advice they need. We are looking forward to the next step with this project in rolling it out nationally.
Ultimately, all releasing CF members, veterans, and their families will feel supported and have the knowledge and the ability to access the range of services available to assist them with their transition to civilian life.
Thank you again for the opportunity to address this committee, Mr. Chair. I look forward to your questions.