There are a couple of ways to explain it.
First of all, what was reported was in relation to our disability programs. We have multiple programs that were specifically on the disability side of the house. It is correct that the wait times have gone up. The reality is that we've taken various steps to accelerate adjudication. We've increased our efficiency by 22%. However, our incoming has increased by over 27%, just in disability awards. Add to that a lot of new programming.
We're just being swamped, if I can use that terminology; I know it's not very scientific.
As an example, two years ago we had approximately 35,000 applications come to us. Last year we had 53,000, and this year it's probably going to be closer to 60,000. The numbers are just going through the roof.
The good news is that veterans are coming forward. Veterans are better aware. The communication is better. The programming, I think, is more advantageous. The percentage of approval from first application has gone up, so I think now people are saying they can apply and have a good chance of being told yes.
Unfortunately, we're struggling to meet those timelines and we're struggling to meet the volumes. We've taken steps to address this, but we still have a way to go. Those volumes are still going up, so we're working hard to try to address that.