I do have the numbers on this. First, I will go back and give you what our veteran numbers are right now.
Currently we are serving 191,000 veterans. The CAF numbers are increasing, and currently we have 93,795 CAF veterans. Our war service veterans have decreased to 23,000.
We are again looking at services that meet the needs of our war veterans, but also ramping up the benefits and services that meet the needs of our CAF veterans.
In terms of war veterans, obviously some of them will be getting disability awards, disability pensions, but our biggest program for those war veterans can be.... We look at our VIP program, which is really a gold standard around the world. We look at things such as snow removal. We look at care within the home, such as ensuring they have Meals on Wheels or some type of nutrition in the home to keep a war service veteran in their home. There's a whole spectrum of care along that, ultimately ending with long-term care if that's where they need to go.
As you may be aware, we have contract beds and also community beds for our war service veterans.