I call the meeting to order.
Good morning, everybody. I'd like to welcome all of our guests today and all our witnesses who are here testifying as we resume the study of barriers to transition and measurable outcomes of successful transition.
The panel today consists of the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of National Defence.
From the Department of Veterans Affairs, we have Elizabeth Douglas, Director General, Service Delivery Program Management, and Susan Baglole, National Manager, Rehabilitation, Career Transition Services, and Income Support. They will focus on the new Veterans Charter transition program, vocational rehabilitation programs, and statistics.
From the Department of National Defence, we have Commodore Sean Cantelon, Director General, Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, Military Personnel Command, and Phil Marcus, Vice-President, Operations and Support Services. They will focus on support services, service income, and security insurance plans, or SISIPs. To respond to questions about SISIPs, we welcome, from Manulife Financial, Kathleen McIlwham, Vice-President for Wellness, Disability, and Life.
Ms. Douglas, you have the floor for five minutes.