Originally, OSISS was an entity unto itself. It has now been taken over by Veterans Affairs, and it's mandate is directed by Veterans Affairs. OSISS at one time had its own budget. OSISS was extremely effective back then at saving lives. Now it's handcuffed by Veterans Affairs.
I'll give you an example how effective OSISS was. I was literally living in my mom and dad's basement. I could not interact with the public. I was completely non-functional. They facilitated me getting in to see a psychologist that specialized in military trauma. They facilitated my paperwork with Veterans Affairs. A year later when I was able and trying to go to school they facilitated that. There was no red tape. I didn't have to phone the March of Dimes. I didn't have to phone the Legion asking for handouts or anything. If I needed something, they supplied it, and there were no questions asked. There were no 50 forms to fill out, no doctor referral. I would like to go to school. What do you want to do? I have to go and redo my Grade 12.