To provide an example, the first set of application papers that we used to fill out was 19 pages long. People had to fill out 19 pages of requests, listing what they had to do. Through a collaborative effort, I think we have that number down now. It's not 19 pages long, but mind you, it's still in the teens.
As I mentioned, and as we've said here today, when an individual transitions from the military, that individual is the one who is responsible to pull the information. The information is not being pushed to them. I think there's a real requirement for both the Canadian Armed Forces and VAC—through the case management system, if the individual is ill or injured—to make sure that as they make that transition from one to the other, this information is pushed to them as much as possible. The individual should not have to pull out that information all the time.
That would make it a lot easier in the transition phase for the individual, particularly if they're ill or injured, because it's a real crisis in the family when that person is going through that time period. That's where we have people dropping through the cracks. That's where we want to make sure that we're very much taking care of people as they make that transition.
The information, as much as possible—we've never been good at communicating—has to be pushed down to the person so that they understand it completely. Why doesn't the case manager sit down with the individual and say, “These are the things you are eligible for. We've already started the application process, so sign on the bottom line”?