Yes. There was a report written in The Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia's broadcast newspaper—and I'm sure it was in many newspapers too—about the controversy where the province called the inquiry and not the Government of Canada, and that there might be some information or things that the Province of Nova Scotia would be limited in, or whatnot. I hope and pray to God that you guys release every bit of information that our province is going to need to help my family and me and veterans who are feeling this pain along with me to get these answers.
VAC representatives came and met with my family on my brother's birthday as a matter of fact, November 21. I showed up here on October 20, had a rally on Parliament Hill. I took that initiative to come here. They had no interest in contacting my family. We never got an apology. We never got a thank you for Lionel's service. We didn't get anything. I'm sure if they had said they're going to turn the other cheek on us and just sent a message like that, at least they would have said something, but they said nothing. I had to come to Ottawa on my own time and dime on October 20. I have three small children at home. I'm a single mom raising three kids, doing this fight. As I said, we all have a storm, we all have a battle. That's just part of mine. I sacrificed that and I came here and I brought my rally. That's the only way that I could get the Minister of Veterans Affairs' attention to even have the audacity to invite me down to his office. He wouldn't even come outside. It probably would have been his best bet to come outside, considering every person I stood with then and before that day were people who had questions for him and he could have given answers. It just goes to show where his heart is.