Gentlemen, thank you for your service and for being here.
I had my father transition out and found out, on his deathbed, about his being exposed to Agent Orange. My brother transitioned out, my sister transitioned out, my former brother-in-law transitioned out, and I have three nephews who are in the service right now who will at some point in time transition out. I'm hoping we can make this progress as quickly as we can, and make it efficient—as, Keith, you indicated yours was successful.
I'm going to go very quickly. Mr. Kirkland, I spent my career as a chiropractor. As a chiropractor, I bought and paid $4,000 a year for disability insurance. I paid extra for it for my own-occupational rider. That meant that if I got hurt and could no longer work, as long as I did not go back to being a chiropractor, I could continue to work and still receive my disability pension.
Would something like that be of value? It's assumed that it's there for our soldiers, and I'm hearing that it's not there for them. I would assume that would be an opportunity.