I would say so. When aboriginal people release from the military, they leave their military family and go back to their own family back in the community or on the reserve. Once people go back to their community, it's sometimes hard to get in touch with either the military family or the Veterans Affairs family.
Because people have gotten out, they sometimes have problems getting back in touch to get support from Veterans Affairs. Sometimes it might be hard for them because they don't really know where to go. They will call Veterans Affairs' toll-free number. They will be told to prove some service, when they served, and all that. Then they will come to us and they will try to get their proof of service to show the dates when they were in the military.
I would say yes, these people sometimes are lost. They don't know really where to go. Sometimes it's the biggest step to take—the first step is always harder—but once you have taken that first step, things might be easier afterwards. The major thing is to take that first, big step.