I remember another incident where, actually, I was in another unit and of course we say we don't have racism, that everybody is the same and that, but this was before I got my status back. It was on an exercise and we were doing a night navigation march. A member in our platoon, which was very large, had to find his grid coordinates in the pitch dark, and one of the directing staff had placed the marker and I remember the guys were saying that an, expletive, Indian doesn't know his way around in the dark—and it ended up that it was exactly where it was supposed to be.
I remember the same individual being in the duty centre. Soldiers get in trouble, and the army has different levels of correcting their training, and I remember these guys asking who the inspecting sergeant was. Well, it was Sergeant So-and-so, and they were saying, “Oh, shoot, we're in for a rough road tonight”. The sergeant was a very professional soldier—actually, it was the same individual who was DS on the night nav—and he did his cursory inspection and said, “Okay, guys, grab your kit bags; we're going for a run”, and they went for a five-mile run in the evening and they weren't happy about it. That's the same guy who can't find his way out in the dark, a very professional soldier.