In 2009 I got back from Afghanistan and I got into a bar fight. Once again, it was a little out of my norm, and I decided to correct the problem. So I went to mental health, walked in there, and I said, “Listen up,” and they said they would put me into anger management. So I did the anger management course, and actually my psychologist said I had some issues of concern, but that I'm motivated. Once again, the key to that is “motivated” because I was trained every day for the close personal protection course.
Once again, I did all my own paperwork. I followed the battalion's rules. I'm one of the few guys in 2PPCLI history, I think, who ever got denied so many times, to try getting out of the battalion. Once again, I'm a college-educated individual. I wanted a better job for myself with a little more stability. Being in the infantry is very difficult; physically, mentally, you have to be tough to be there every day for 20 years. To be Jody for 20 years is hard. That's hard work, physically and mentally. I just wanted something different, and I've had a lot of questions asked to me about whether I could do other jobs inside the infantry, with a mental ailment. And the answer to that is yes. I'm internationally ranked in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I have now put my body through the physical torment of—