Yes, I had zero medical employment limitations. What that means in a civilian context is that a medical employment limitation restricts what one is allowed to do. Inevitably, from a military standpoint, if I have an MEL, I can't get promoted, I can't get posted, and it's in direct conflict with how you get in the military.
I was under zero medical employment limitations when I asked for help. I went to anger management, and my platoon commander stated directly to my face, over the phone because they were doing exercises in Suffield, that because Corporal Veltri attended mental health, he was no longer allowed to attend a selection course. But I was under zero medical employment limitations. I followed all the rules and regulations that applied to me, including the paperwork. Once again, I'm very good at doing my own paperwork. The military forced me at a very young age to do my own paperwork. Once again, an individual in the military actually guided me to, in common phrasing, “be my own career manager”.
Doing my own paperwork was necessary. So once again—