First, I'd like to thank all five of you for your service to this country and for the many hours and the dedication that you've put in. It's much appreciated, and again my heartfelt thanks.
Part of what I would like to try to get to—and Alannah, you've probably brought up some of my questions and answered some of them.... I come from a health care background. One of the things I've always found in health care is that when I say to my patients a certain thing, I believe I'm saying what the science tells me, but what they hear are two different things.
I want to try to get an answer, hopefully from all of you, on what you heard when you were presented—and maybe you were, or maybe you weren't.... I'd like to hear from you what you envisioned when people asked you to do the paperwork.
Perhaps I can start with Mr. Kuluski, if you can answer that. When you were given the paperwork when you were released, was it one piece of paper? Was it a whole bunch? What did you hear when you they said to fill out this paperwork?