We have a few more pages. Maybe we should jump to the recommendations that we're going to provide.
In conclusion, senators and standing committee members, the NAFC makes the following recommendations.
We recommend that the federal government support the NAFC in partnership with other indigenous veteran associations for a national needs assessment of indigenous veterans; that the needs assessment determine the needs of veterans, both younger and older, and determine if these needs require all-nations indigenous veteran services to be offered to indigenous veterans across Canada; that the federal government provide financial support to friendship centres in the delivery of programs and services to veterans' widows and their families; and that through financial contributions the federal government enable the NAFC and the provincial-territorial associations of our movement to participate in veterans' policy and program directions.
The friendship centre movement and the NAFC look forward to working with the Government of Canada and opposition parties to improve the lives of indigenous veterans in Canada, which will be achieved through core funding investments in friendship centres so that they continue to have the capacity to operate and to meet the needs of their communities, as well as looking at ways their friendship centres can expand the current successful programs that support veterans and indigenous people.
Thank you for allowing me and Mr. Wally Sinclair the opportunity to speak. Mr. Sinclair and I look forward to addressing any questions you have.