Certainly that's one of the big questions. It's something we've been discussing and trying to look at.
Right now we're putting together some proposals with our research division to look at our own population that is already using cannabis or those who will start using cannabis to perhaps do some kind of a case comparison, at least of matched veterans who are not using cannabis, so that we can look over time and see how these people are actually doing.
One of the concerns in conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, of course, is that one of the major symptoms that is very hard to treat is the avoidance symptom. One of my concerns is that what veterans and others using cannabis for PTSD are doing is that it becomes a way of avoiding. It is much like when I was in the military and many of my military patients would drink a lot before they came in to see me. One of the first things we needed to do was help them to stop drinking. Again, understandably, they were drinking to mask their really terrible PTSD symptoms. Personally, it's one of the concerns I have.
Again, we don't know. We need good research to be exploring all of these questions.