First of all, it's not a prescription. It's called an authorization, because in fact, unlike other medications that are prescribed by a physician, this is a natural plant that is being.... It's called an authorization. Obviously, the thought behind this was that a veteran or other person in Canada would go to their own physician. They would discuss all the pros and cons of using marijuana versus an antidepressant or something else for their condition, a decision would be made, and the person would be followed.
Unfortunately, in a lot of cases that's not what's happening. We have a small number of physicians who are authorizing a great amount of cannabis for veterans. If a veteran is being followed in one of our operational stress injury clinics, it would not be that psychiatrist. Some of them have, with the patient, tried them on cannabis, but the large majority are getting it from a physician outside of that care team.
This is a problem. I don't think it was a problem anybody could have anticipated, but unfortunately, there's a lot of profit to be made in cannabis.