The veterans independence program is an example. If you have an injury as a result of service and you're getting more and more frail, we will pay support to you to try to keep you at home. We know that you will be healthier at home longer before you have to go into a long-term care facility like the Perley and Rideau, the George Derby or Camp Hill. You will be healthier if you stay at home, so we're providing for nursing support in the home, the clinical beds, meals on wheels, landscaping and housecleaning. Our allies don't do that. They are coming to look at Canada to see what's going on.
We just had the Australians come to Charlottetown and say, “Tell us about the Bureau of Pensions Advocates.” The fact is that we're paying a platoon of lawyers to make sure that the veteran's entire circumstance is understood before we render the final decisions and appeals. We're the only outfit in the world with a Bureau of Pensions Advocates.
There are a lot of things like that. In fact, we can share with you the little chart that the Australians came up with. We are also looking at what they are doing. They have done things like, say an infantryman has done so many years in the infantry and has had so many jumps. Therefore, it's ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders.... They are applying a presumptive model to that.
We're saying we want to do that. We're moving down that path.