Again, the policy remains extant, as it was established in 2010. From the compassion side, we're saying that where the policy says “short term”, we'll interpret that to be a year to two years, as opposed to something that's short of a year.
If someone is on a mental health counselling treatment program, we will ensure that this program is completed and the objectives are complete. Similarly, with regard to our 24-7 assistance capability, for every time a family member asks for support—whether it be addiction treatment, indebtedness or marital discord—there are 20 counselling sessions for every one of those.
Again, we are trying to approach every one of these from a compassionate and flexible standpoint, noting that consistency is difficult when you're dealing with 4,000 practitioners across the country and 11 operational stress injury clinics that are provided by the provinces. We're trying to have as much consistency as we can within the myriad networks of support.