You have multiple issues here. You're covering Legions, you're covering service clubs, you're covering the guys coming back from Afghanistan and Kuwait. You're looking at huge issues. If you try to put them all into one basket, you won't get very many things done. You need subcommittees to look at different things, such as service clubs, Legions, housing, benefits, health care. You have to do it, and you have to do it soon.
Someone mentioned earlier that if you don't, from a financial point of view, you will lose all of those poppy funds that are into the millions of dollars across Canada that are put back into your community, whether it's hospitals or veterans who need wheelchairs that some of them can't afford, etc. You're going to lose that, but you've got 100 years of history here.
If anyone doubts me, go to a Remembrance Day, and look at the faces of the people in the crowd. That's Canada. You're going to lose that, and you're going to lose it on your watch, and you've lost some already. Whatever you're going to do, do it now. Do it quickly, because if you don't, they're gone.