Thank you, Andy. Thank you for reaching out.
It's exciting to have an idea and to see it help a veteran or get a policy changed or to see the veteran living day to day in a better way because, maybe, I or a group of us have spoken out and brought awareness of a situation to our policy-makers and rule-makers at the high level. Sometimes these elected folks don't get to see first-hand what's going on at the grassroots level. I have no trouble bringing something to those people when need be.
I enjoy being a voice for a 99-year-old or an 89-year-old. My best friends are in their nineties, and it's so hard, because you know what happens when you get into your nineties. I've had two, three, four devastating losses in the last year of friends of mine who had become very close—heroes. That drives me to keep going for these people.
The latest win was not having vets and their spouses separated anymore. I tried to get that to happen while one vet was still living. My good friend David, the veteran, passed a year ago January, and I know he's smiling down now knowing that veterans will not be separated from their spouses because of different levels of care.
That's my thing. I don't know, Andy, whether or not that answered your question.