I work more in the field. I work with veterans. It's a new group made up of veterans of the Royal 22nd Regiment and it's been around for about two years. Because a lot of veterans were having trouble receiving services, we decided to get together and help each other.
I know that the chair of the veterans group made a request, but I can't tell you exactly what it entailed. As I just mentioned, I am more in the field. It's Rick Gauthier. Mr. Desilets knows him. He's the one looking after all the administrative details and the documentation. I know he has made a request. It's a long process so I can't tell you what stage he has reached.
At the moment, we are financing all our activities ourselves. We make small donations. If someone in an area needs help, we contribute to buy groceries or gas cards, for example. Right now, we pay for all of that out of our own pockets. I know that we have applied and I imagine that the Royal 22nd Regiment veterans group will soon be more officially recognized by the government.