Our problems aren't temporary, so the people who address them can't be temporary. I'd like to make a quick comment on what Sean said about one-stop shopping. I travel a lot in the U.S.A. I can go into a veterans affairs hospital in the United States and get my problems taken care of if I have a problem.
The one-stop shop that Sean was talking about existed. It was called the OTSSC. It was in Halifax. It had a mental health clinic on the fifth floor. It was a physical hospital. It had physiotherapy and, in case you knocked somebody's teeth out, it had a dental clinic. The one-stop shop that we needed for veterans existed. It was called the OTSSC, and then somebody said, “We need to reinvent the wheel.” I'm sorry, once again, but we're banging drums that have been banged so much they've got holes in them. Sorry.