It's difficult. Talking about resilience getting worn down, I've been doing this a long time and to be honest, I feel worn down by Veterans Affairs. Initially, they were very good, but now they're obstructionist; they're restrictive. We have lay people typically overruling medical specialists and stuff. The reality.... The only thing that keeps me going is my loyalty to my fellow brothers and sisters veterans. I would have quit a long time ago. I have multiple examples, multiple denials, and then you get to the second level...last time, it's over with, end. I found out that if you wait about six months or a year, you can start the whole process all over again.
It's very wearing, not only on the caregiver and the veteran, but also on the professionals who are advocating for the veterans for these entitlements. It's perseverance. It's the only thing I can do. I just can't walk away.