I'll go fast.
The repercussions are what happens when the caregiver has a bad experience with Veterans Affairs. Obviously, it comes back to bite the caregiver. They are less likely to want to give care. They're more likely to be abusive, and they'll want to run away and escape, because it's all on their shoulders and they take the brunt of the frustration that the vet feels through the dealings with caregivers.
This comes to my final one, which is resilience. When caregivers are dealt the repercussions, their resilience is weakened. They are less likely to want to be caregivers. Their spirit is broken. They may be physically abused and what they often really want to do is run away and hide.
I say to you, as you write policies and programs, to be mindful of what I'm calling the retribution and repercussions, and that you're impacting the resilience of caregivers.
Thank you.