That's an excellent question. Thank you.
I'll start with the last part of your question around supports for families when a veteran is struggling with homelessness. One of the real challenges is that veterans who are in that position are often cut off from their families. Often they do not have that close relationship. That becomes very difficult.
When we start to think about advice for government about dealing with veteran homelessness, so many of these issues as well are tied to mental health, PTSD and substance abuse. I think we really need to approach it with that lens and work with established organizations and agencies that are on the ground already doing work in that area, certainly experts in mental health and substance abuse almost first and foremost.
There's also very good evidence to show that providing stable housing for individuals, first and foremost, is a good place of stability and foundation for dealing with other mental health challenges and other supports that might be helpful. First, people need a roof over their heads.
I think several of the witnesses this afternoon have spoken to the importance of working with people who understand their reality, who are with them and certainly who share their lived experience. That can't be underestimated in this situation.