I would guess that you'd have to look at various organizations throughout Canada. Let's put it this way: All, I think, have a good premise to help veterans, but it also goes to what your knowledge is on what's possible.
Many of them are obedience-based. Is that good? Yes, you have an obedient dog that can function in public, but is that obedient dog actually doing things specific to that veteran, tailored to them? Not every veteran would have a recovery to a trigger that's the same as others', but the dog would act similarly.
For example, you may need your dog to jump on you to break your trigger and train of thought, where I may need my dog to lick my hand. The way the dog interacts with you to bring you back to being present would be different in different circumstances. In doing the training on connection, the two learn how to work together and what works for both of them.