That was obviously not a point of order, but it is interesting to me to hear Liberal members say, after just voting down a motion to have more meetings over the summer, that we have all these things to discuss. If you really believe that, why didn't you support the motion to have meetings over the summer so we could discuss them? It sounds incredibly.... I don't think I'm allowed to use the word for what that is, but it's certainly a contradiction in statements. It once again speaks to the lengths the Liberals will go in order to avoid discussing this very important issue and a lot of other ones.
He even mentioned Persian Gulf veterans. I can tell you that the Persian Gulf veterans I'm speaking to are incredibly disappointed because they believe they're being used as pawns. This is what the Liberals always do. This is what this Prime Minister always does. They find a way to create division. They're trying to create division between Afghan veterans and Persian Gulf veterans, because they're not even studying what the Persian Gulf veterans asked to be studied.