That is a very big question that I will try to push into five minutes.
Before I answer that question, I will quote from document PRB 00-06E from the Library of Parliament, which is the “International Deployment of Canadian Forces: Parliament's Role”. I have sent that to the gentleman down there. He can probably share it with you if you would like it. It's in French and English, and it talks about how we get deployed.
One of the things this document talks about in great detail is how successive governments failed to follow federal legislation when it came to the deployment of Canadian Armed Forces, specifically the legislation in section 32, and specifically one party, the Liberal Party of Canada, failed to follow the legislation, unfortunately. What this document doesn't do is that it doesn't tell us why or how it came to be. It doesn't give us any indications of how that happened.
What I've brought for you is a cabinet classified document that has never been revealed before, going back to 1994, about a classified mission in Rwanda that the Department of National Defence wanted to hide from members of Parliament, wanted to hide from Canadians and even kept us veterans on the down-low about. In order to get this mission out the door, there was one big issue—Parliament. You members of Parliament and the freedom to ask questions about military operations were going to seriously disrupt the possibility of us rescuing Roméo Dallaire and the mess that he was in Rwanda.
Again, the title of this document is “Rwanda: Involvement of Parliament”. It was sent to cabinet with options to avoid accountability and transparency in 1994 amidst the Somalia inquiry, when members of Parliament were asking for just that. This document and this document alone is responsible for successive governments failing to follow parliamentary process, which would ultimately result in questions being asked, like “Is this a war?”, “Why are our soldiers in Latvia?” and “Why are we fighting ISIS in Mali and calling it peacekeeping?”
In the context of Rwanda, they would have asked, “Who's going?” They would have been told “nobody”. They would have asked, “When are they coming?” They would have been told, “Not for months, we're sending our Canadian soldiers there alone”. This mission was hidden until 2019, when I told the CBC the story and I was attacked for stolen valour. The Department of National Defence didn't even know the truth about the mission and called me a liar. In fact, what that created was that it made me the most successful conspiracy theorist in the history of Canada because I floated a story about a secret mission in Rwanda and there were 400 people with me to corroborate that.
I ended up proving the historians at DND wrong and setting the record straight. That doesn't change the fact that Roméo Dallaire, Order of Canada and senator, disobeyed lawful commands from the Prime Minister of Canada and cabinet and then hid the details from Parliament for 30 years. He's still hiding it from Parliament for 30 years. The government hid for 30 years 400 Canadian soldiers who went to Rwanda.
These things do happen and, in the context of active service, of all the missions that I served on, Rwanda was the craziest mission that you could ever imagine. It was just absolutely insane. It was not peacekeeping.
It was not peacekeeping. It was genocide cleanup and cleaning up the nightmarish marketing issue of having the Canadian foreign policy for peacekeeping dragged through the mud in the United Nations and around the globe for failing to save one million Black people.