Yes, sir. First off, I think when we look at that, we have to look at the problem, the entire problem. It's the absence of a mission classification system that makes sense. I'm going to explain to you very quickly where the problem is.
We went to Afghanistan and fought the Taliban, and you called it a war. We went to Mali and fought ISIS, who were more dangerous than the Taliban, and you called it peacekeeping. That right there should cause questions. First off, from my perspective, these agencies are nothing more than contracting agencies for foreign affairs to bring their soldiers in.
The Government of Canada called what we had in Mali a multi-dimensional peacekeeping force, which is essentially, from a legal perspective, identical to what we had in Afghanistan in every way. We were fighting insurgency. We were just doing it with a blue hat instead of a green hat. Right at the core, sir, we need a mission classification system that people understand, even the veterans, because right now veterans don't even understand what kinds of missions they're being asked to do.